Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sphere of Influence

“He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived and let me watch him do it.”
-Clarence Kelland (In regards to his own father)

I recently sent out the following question via Facebook and text message:
What person(s) has been the greatest influence in your life…and why?

I received an even twenty responses, and they were all over the board.  Here are some of the findings:

Out of the 20 individuals that responded, 9 (45%) listed their father/parents as their number one most influential person(s) in their life.

Of those 9 people, all of them are Christians.

5 others that did not list their dad as #1 most influential are Christians anyways.

Other answers included: Wife, Mentors/Pastors, No one, and even Stalin & Sun Tzu.  Sadly, one young man recalled walking to the bar when he was 16 years old to ask his dad when he was coming home. 

 It should also be noted that out of those that responded, only a handful were under the age of 30 years old.  Although I am exceptionally pleased to see that such a high (I wish higher) percentage of the responses listed dad/parents as #1, I am also a bit wary that today’s generation of children, teens, and young adults are not as fortunate.  They are growing up in a completely different world than many of us did.  I recently stated, “Today’s youth have more pressure on them than ever before and parents are more disconnected from their kids than ever as well.”  All of this can add up to potential disaster if we as fathers (and parents in general) do not intervene.  So what can be done to help ensure our kids grow up living strong and balanced lives?  Here are a few helpful tips:


1.     If you don’t already, bring your children to church with you!  The Swiss did a study in 1994 and the results were staggering: In short, if mom only brings the children to church, only 1 in 50 will become a regular worshipper.  If dad goes to church regularly, despite mom’s devotion that number jumps to between two-thirds and three-quarters of the children will become (regular or irregular) churchgoers.  Even if dad goes to church irregularly, the number of children attending church as an adult still remains above 50%. 


2.     Get involved in their life.  I had a meeting with a lady not too long ago than runs an inner-city program for making sure a child’s primary educator is their parents.  Sure, school is essential for academic growth, but if we aren’t involved as well, our sons and daughters intellectual growth may be stunted.  She even told me that it makes a WORLD of difference just by asking something as simple as how was their day at school and talking about it.  Know who their friends are and where they are hanging out at.  Stay involved in extracurricular activities and by all means- monitor their cell phone and internet usage!  Safe and protective boundaries create a world of security they need.


3.     Spend time doing nothing.  Seriously, when is the last time you just “chilled” with your kids, no matter how old they are?  We live in such a crazy, fast-paced world that even our own relationships and responsibilities suffer sometimes.  Get “unplugged” for a bit.  In other words, go out and experience the great big wide world God has set out before us to explore!  Check out the park, zoo, and woods.  Build a snowman or tree fort.  If you elect to stay inside, draw, color, do arts and crafts, or even just sit and waste away an entire afternoon talking.  No matter what, use the time wisely, because moments and times like these quickly pass on by.  You can also look up my blog on November 26th, 2011 entitled “Play Time Under Attack?  Here is a quote from Andy Rooney that sums this thought up wonderfully: “I’ve learned…that simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.”

Remember, God has called us fathers to be our children's number one leaders in every aspect of life.  For those of you who may not have children or even be a single mother, that by no means disqualifies you.  God works through us and other people in amazing ways.  Some of the greatest leaders have come from some of the worse situations, and vice versa.  The important point to remember is that apart from Jesus we can do nothing, but through Him we can do all things!

Then our sons in their youth will be like well-nurtured plants, and our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace. –Psalm 144:12 (NIV)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Failures of Being a Single Father: Truth vs Lies

Brethren, I do regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. –Phil 3:13-14 (NASB)

As a single father myself, I can easily see where being a single parent can be considered synonymous with failure.  I mean, even in my own life I have basically put my daughter in a situation where she will not grow up with me in the home full time.  There will be weekends and events I want to take her to that may not happen because of parenting time; I do not have the opportunity to put her to bed every night and pray with her; and even recently- I enrolled her in intramural basketball and she will only get to play in the games every other Saturday.  All because of my own selfishness, the fact that I gave in to lustful flesh and had a child out of wedlock.  I am such a loser. 

STOP!!!  That is the way I used to see myself: as an unfit dad with a life that was barely holding together.  That is, until I had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and He began to not only restore me, but build me into a better father (I’m saying this EXTREMELY humbly, by the way) than I could have ever imagined.  I now see challenges as opportunities and trials as tests to grow in my faith.  Has life gotten any easier since I came to Christ?  Not really.  However, I am now more equipped than ever to handle the tough times and die to self to become more like Him.  Let’s look into this.   

In general, I would say the majority of single dads are the noncustodial parent- that is, mom has primary physical custody.  This may or may not be the case in your life, but even we dads with 50/50 parenting time are still experiencing loss on a regular basis.  I also learned that NO ONE is a perfect parent, and we will all fail our kids one way or another- big or small.  Now, I definitely do not want to focus on the negatives, so I will draw from the few personal examples I gave above to help you discern between the truth God speaks to us daily and the lies our enemy so delicately (or not) likes to slip in our minds constantly as well. 

Jesus called Satan the “father of lies” in John 8:44.  There is no truth in our adversary.  He either lies completely, or takes the truth and twists about- as he did in Matthew 4:6.  He is very slick at getting to our minds and can be quite successful if we are not standing on a solid foundation in Christ.  Even then, we must constantly pursue the Lord through prayer and Scripture to arm ourselves for battle.  Here are a few examples of situations you may regularly encounter as a single father, the lie that is presented to you, and the TRUTH behind it based on God’s Word. 

1.     I am not able to attend all of the events I would like to with my children because I don’t have them all of the time.

The Lie: “You are missing out on the fun and important times with your kids; and they are suffering because of you.”

The Truth: Ecclesiastes 9:10 states, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…” (NIV)  My best friend said it perfectly when I first became a father and was facing parenting time challenges: “Even if you have her only one hour a week” he said, “make it THE BEST hour of her week!”  I’ve found over the years that it is not the quantity of time I spend with my daughter, but the quality.  So many parents miss this on a daily basis. 

2.     I’m not able to tuck my kids into bed and/or pray with them every night.

The Lie: “Because I’m not able to pray with my kids every night, they may not get as much Christian upbringing as they normally would if I was there full time.”

The Truth: “The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him.” –Prov 20:7 (NKJV). This is one that I struggled with for years.  Despite whatever is being taught at the other home, as fathers we still have spiritual authority over our kids and as Ezekiel 22:30 states, the ability to “stand in the gap” on behalf of them before the Lord.  Trust me, when we walk solid and they see it, it will have a greater impact on their lives than we may know. 

 3.     My child only gets to participate in some activities part time.

The Lie: “Your child can’t ever become fully involved in certain activities because of split custody arrangements.”

The Truth: “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. -2Cor 4:17-18 (NIV) As with any parents (married or not) with sons and daughters in sports and whatnot, scheduling is always a factor.  Even if you do place your child in recreational activities and custody time does not allow full participation, YOUR participation is what really matters. Look at it this way. What do you think is more important: a married father who rarely makes his son’s games or his daughter’s concerts, or a single dad who was there every opportunity he got? The latter is one of the eternal factors that will matter then most when our children are full grown. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Possess Your Vessel

For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor…” -1Thess 4:3-4 (NKJV) 


I was at a men’s conference this past weekend.  One of the topics a pastor spoke about was the title of this blog: “Possess Your Vessel”.  Now, I really don’t think I need to go into detail of what that phrase means for us men, it should be pretty clear given the context it is used in.  As men of God, we are called to be the leaders and protector of multiple areas for God’s purpose.  Unfortunately, one of the areas we struggle in the most as a whole and individually are the area of stewarding our own bodies- one part in particular. 

You know the story in Genesis: God created woman to be with man.  Marriage and sex were God’s ideas- to be used within His statutes and for Him to be honored with.  We were created to enjoy intimacy with the opposite sex, all within the bounds of marriage.  Then along came the fall of man, sin entered the world, and sexual perversion has dominated in many ways since.  UNTIL!!!  The blood of Jesus Christ was shed on the Cross- bringing us back into right relationship with God and giving us the power to be freed from sin once again.  Still, we struggle.  Overcoming and domination of the flesh is a constant process, no matter your maturity level in your walk with Christ.  Our job as men, however, is to recognize the strengths and ordaining the Lord has put upon us to be such overcomers. 

Whether your struggle is with premarital or extramarital sex, pornography, or other forms of lust, it all is a major roadblock in keeping us from reaching our full potential in Christ.  What must you do to “possess” your own vessel- to take full dominion over your body?  It all starts with surrender and submission DAILY to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  I have a friend that was just recently married.  He and his fiancée did it right- they waited until marriage to be intimate with each other and married as virgins.  Although I will never have the opportunity to present myself to my bride in such a pure manner, I (and you) have the opportunity to do the best with what we have, and if you haven’t already, begin your journey for sexual purity immediately.  I asked my friend last year “Isn’t it hard abstaining?  Don’t you ever wonder what it would be like to have sex or be intimate with a woman?”  His reply?  “No, because it’s not an option.”  Wow!  I don’t think I can really describe what that phrase has meant to me since I first heard it.  What a perfect example of being submitted to God’s sovereignty.  I have used that phrase several times since with other men. 

Men of God, the foundation has been laid, the blueprint has been written, and we are equipped with everything we need to take back full control to steward our bodies and build these temples for God’s glory.  The question is, “Are you ready to begin the rebuilding process?”


“Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” –Gal 5:16 (NKJV)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Buried in Sin

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.  For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.  But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.  Therefore He says: “Awake you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” –Eph 5:11-14 (NKJV)

I recently read a disturbing article about Arnold Schwarzenegger and his utter lack of compassion for having multiple secrets (including several affairs- one which produced a son) during his marriage to Maria Shriver.  It seems the Terminator was able to disguise having open heart surgery, and even kept running for governor a secret until the time came to begin campaigning.  The end of the article is what got me the most though.  Arnold was quoted as saying, “Dwelling on it, like some people do, you know, years later say, ‘Oh yeah, I lost this, and I will never forget that.  I’m still suffering.’  No, that’s not me,” he said.  “I don’t suffer over anything that I’ve lost.”

What I conclude out of that statement is a reality that many of us endure on a regular basis: when we are walking in sin and completely separate ourselves from God’s forgiveness, we become completely numb to it, but yet still understand its devastating effect on our life.  As individuals created in God’s image, anything outside of His Word in our daily walk is foreign to us.  Yet, due to the fall of mankind thousands of years ago, most people are still unwilling to repent and turn from their sin and come back into reconciliation with God through the blood of Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:11, 19) 

If you know anything about Arnold, you may recall that one of his nicknames back in the day was “The Oak”.  Well, check out these verses from Isaiah: “Surely you will be ashamed of the oaks which you have desired, and be embarrassed at the gardens which you have chosen.  For you will be like an oak whose leaf fades away or as a garden that has no water.  The strong man will become tinder, his work a spark.  Thus they shall both burn together and there will be none to quench them.” –Isaiah 1:29-31 (NASB)

I really don’t think that passage could have been written any more perfectly for this topic!  Despite all of his physical strength, fame, and fortune- Arnold has been left in spiritual ruins.  If in fact today you are walking in unconfessed sin, I pray you will not follow the same course, but rather, plant your roots in the living water of salvation through Christ, expose your sin, and grow into the mighty man or woman of God you were created to be!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Trick or Treat...

Ok, this will be another one of my blog posts that may or may not come across as very popular.  No scriptures to start off with, no article posts, just my personal view and opinion on traditions such as Halloween, the Easter bunny, and whatnot.  My main reason for posting this is to share not only my two cents worth on these topics, but to shed light on an area we Christian single parents may often overlook.  So here goes...

In short, I did a study on the history of Halloween, carving pumpkins, the Easter bunny, Santa, and other topics last year.  What I discovered confirmed a lot of what I had already suspected.  If you do the research yourself, you will find some very dark and demonic roots to Halloween and Jack-o-Lanterns, and the Easter bunny is basically a pagan god for fertility.  We basically tell our kids not to fib or tell lies, but we share stories of tooth fairies and flying reindeer for the first 5-10 years of their lives.  Now don't get me wrong, I vividly remember the mystery and excitement I had as a child when it came to jolly ol' St. Nick, but I didn't grow up in a Christian home either. 

So am I saying that if we participate in any of these traditions that we are not Christians?  Absolutely not.  However, we ARE to be our kids' number one leadership when it comes to raising them in Christ.  Easter (or Resurrection Day) is to celebrate the single greatest moment in the history of the world- the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, and Christmas is to remember His birth. In fact, I made the decision to tell my daughter the truth about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy at the beginning of this year while she was still 5 years old.  I explained to her that I was telling her all of this because we are supposed to be focusing on Jesus first in our lives.  Her reaction?  Nothing- she was totally cool with it.  She loves Jesus passionately already and I'm not going to hinder either my walk or hers. 

So what can be some alternatives?  I have decided that for Halloween I will take her out somewhere fun: like Chuck-E-Cheese or the movies or something.  That way she doesn't miss out on any of the fun at all.  She can have plenty of chocolate at Easter- but I'm leaving the bunny out of the mix.  And of course, presents at Christmas time, but knowing that she knows and understands the true "reason for the season" in the first place.

I would encourage everyone reading this to do your own research on these holidays and match them up with Scripture; then come to your own conclusions.  Our world already has a full-blown assault on our children's souls.  The atheists and Muslims are training their kids up in their ways, but we're focusing on imaginary people and creatures.  If we are to train up the next generation for God's purposes, then it MUST begin with we parents on the home front.  Remember Paul's words in Romans 12:2:  And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. (NASB, emphasis added)

Saturday, September 29, 2012


But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. –Psalm 92:12 (NLT)


Most of us are aware of two of the biggest species of trees on the earth: the Giant Sequoias and the Redwoods.  Here are a few brief but fascinating facts about these giants:

They can grow to over 300 feet tall.

They can live for several THOUSAND years!

They weigh upwards of 500 tons (1 million pounds).

Their bark can be anywhere from 12-36 inches thick.


As impressive as all of this is, I found some other research that was even more amazing and helped to inspire this blog:

The Giant Sequoias rely on fire to survive- both to destroy competing vegetation and to help promote seed release from their cones.

The trees produce a substance known as tannin, which helps protect the bark from fire, bug attacks, and disease.

The root system of the Redwood is very shallow, despite the trees massive height and weight. They survive by entangling with each other beneath the ground- thus holding each other upright. 


So what can we, as followers of Christ, learn from these natural wonders? Let’s see:

We too often need to endure “fires” in our life to draw closer to God. Competition for the “Son’s” light in our lives (such as worldly wants, desires, and lusts) need to be destroyed first so we can grow. Also, despite the fact the trials/fires aren’t always pleasant when we’re going through them; sometimes new life must begin through the ashes.  (See 1Pet 4:12-13 & 5:10)

Just like the tannin, which protects, we must DAILY put on the full armor of God to protect us against fires, attacks, and spiritual “disease”. (Eph 6:10-18)

We must rely on other believers as well to help hold us up when we feel like falling.  This could be in any form of accountability, mentorship, and/or fellowship. (Ecc 4:9-12)


Finally, and probably most important of all, is the Redwood’s ability to regenerate itself to continue existence.  Here is a portion of an article I read recently:

One of the keys to the survival of the Redwood is its regenerative abilities. One of the regenerative capabilities of the Redwood involves the burl. A burl is made up of dormant Redwood stems, and is covered in bark. A burl grows when a Redwood is cut, damaged, injured, or diseased. A burl is a lumpy outgrowth from the tree’s trunk, often at its base. Saplings may sprout from these burls. The trees which result from growth originating in a burl are genetically identical to the original tree.

Jesus tells us in Matt 7:17 that “a good tree bears good fruit”.  Therefore, if we are walking solid with the Lord and within His statutes, the natural byproduct will be another generation of strong Christian disciples, including our own children; thus, ensuring our legacy and impact on the world- even after we’ve left this life for the next. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Back to School: A Father's Involvement

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. -Deut 6:6-7 (NIV)

Well, we're back to school!  The dog days are all but over, schedules have tightened up, and football is in the air- yes! (Sorry, I just had to throw that in there.)  Even so, our responsibility as the head of our household remains in one area that is often overlooked by many dads- involvement in our children's education.  Whether you are a single father or not, our position as our children's guide doesn't end always at 5pm (or whenever we get home from work).  Dads that take an aggressive approach in their children's schoolwork help to develop strong, sound, and confident students. 

As a non-custodial single dad myself, I obviously have limited time with my daughter and her schoolwork.  I have found it quite accommodating, however, to remain in direct contact with her teachers in the past and even if she does not bring any homework over to my house, we still frequently read books together, do mind-stimulating arts and crafts, and some educational workbooks.  Remember how fun it was to play school when we were growing up?  Use that sort of technique to your advantage in helping your kids grow.  I am attaching a link to an article from the National Center for Fathering with thoughts that go along with this blog, but whatever approach you take is up to you- just make sure to stay as actively involved as much as you can.  We are our children's number one leader in BOTH the natural and supernatural- always remember that.  Here's the link to the article:

Have a wonderful, safe, and blessed school year!

Monday, September 3, 2012

HIS Barn

Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” –Prov 27:17 (NASB)

Today’s writing is about paying tribute to a ministry in Byron Center, MI known as “His Barn”.  It is in this place that my ministry “A Father’s Walk” was birthed.  His Barn was founded by Scott Baker, who owns the property and pole barn the group is located in.  It was in early of 2008 that Scott began a small group of 12 men (I wonder where he got that number from?), of whom I was a part.  From the beginning, the barn has had a sense of God’s presence about it.  Men were free to come and go as they wished, and always welcomed just as they were.  The older (I didn’t say old) men poured into us younger ones and the first thoughts that led to where I am today with the single dad ministry stemmed from the very simple question, “What are you working on that is BIG for the Kingdom?” 

Over the years, the group has changed in attendance and size, as I suppose anything in life is bound to due to work, family, and circumstances.  Through the course of it all, the original core group of Scott, Todd, Greg, James, Mark, and “Double Nickel” has opened doors for new leaders such as Clutch, Curt, and Doug.  The ministry even has connections to other organizations and their heads across the US.  It has hosted Right of Passages, couples’ nights, and over the past five years- a revival just for men.  The revival is by far the highlight of every year at the barn.  What began as 80 men congregating in a pasture five years ago has now grown to over 500.  Speakers have come from every walk of life and denomination, but all have one purpose in mind: to create a generation of men equipped as soldiers of Christ and able to pour into the lives of other men.  As men, we are called to be the head, leaders, warriors, and protectors of our households- all while often laying our own pleasures and wants down for the good of our wives and kids.  My prayer is the reach of the barn and its mission will be yet another vessel that the Lord uses for His purposes. 

I am truly grateful for my experience of being part of His Barn.  I am also so blessed that Scott took a chance on a young convert and allowed this group of modern day disciples to invest in me.  Although I have moved on in my life in regards to attending the barn, the passion, examples, and gifts ingrained into me will forever be a part of my ministry.  I challenge every man reading this to pick up his cross and follow the Lord Jesus Christ in sharpening other men.  Whether you are in a pasture or an arena, a barn, a home, or on a street corner, one thing will always remain: our commission to go and make disciples of all the nations. 

For more information on the barn and the revival, visit 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Relationships and the Single Parent

Our final guest blogger of the month comes from someone very special to me.  Her name is Stacy Haight and she is a single mom living right here in Grand Rapids, MI.  Stacy's heart comes through loud and clear in her message, I pray her words will sink deep into all of our hearts in reaching into our children's. 

Relationships.  When you read that word what’s the first thing that comes to mind?  Boy and girl, husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend?  If you’re anything like me then yes, that’s what would have come to mind a few years ago, but relationship’s are not just between men and women.   Relationship’s are between friends, mentors, teachers, leaders, brothers and sisters, parents, and the list can go on and on, this type of relationship’s are so important to our daily lives.  As a single parent you may already be thinking,”I don’t have time”, well you need to make time.   Ecclesiastes 4:10 says, “If one falls down, then his friend can help him up.  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” 

As a single parent this is something I have struggled with in the past and still to this day struggle with on occasion.  When you work full time and come home to children 24/7, you just don’t have any free time to give to anyone else.   It’s especially hard when you’re the ONLY parent in your child’s life. And let’s face it, when you’re a single parent you didn’t get to this point without going through some kind of heart ache, so why would you want to put yourself out there for another chance of getting hurt by anyone?   It took a few years for me to realize that I needed friends, that my children could not be my only friends.  I needed to have relationships besides the ones I had with my children.  Besides, how was I supposed to teach my kids how to have healthy relationships with others if I didn’t even make time for them myself?  As a parent our children are looking up to us constantly for guidance.  Whether you realize it or not they take their cue from us.     

 God has given us many scriptures throughout the Bible showing us how important it is to have those relationships.  Just a few for reference, James 5:16, Galatians 6:2, Philippians 2:3, Ephesians 6:4, 2 Corinthians 6:14.  Whether it’s a relationship with friends, family, co-workers or the Lord himself, we need to show our children what that looks like.  How we talk with them, how we laugh with them, how we treat them, how we work out a disagreement with them.  Above all though, how do we show our children our relationship with God?  Are we praying with them? Are we reading the Bible with them? Teaching them about scripture and how the most important relationship is the one you have with our Lord and Savior?  When we fail to show our children what this looks like, not only are we failing them but God and what he expects of us as parents.  He’s trusted us with one of his most precious of gifts, his children.

If you’re like me and have a hard time putting yourself out there and meeting people, start with small things.  Go on field trips when your child has them at school, help out in the nursery at church, join a single parents group in your area or look for one on Facebook that’s in your area.  These types of things will at least get you interacting and meeting all kinds of people.  Use that time in the car with your child to ask them about their day, ask them if they have any prayer requests, you’d be surprised at some of the things your child might ask for.  Above all pray with your child, any chance you have, teach them how to be thankful for the smallest of things, pray for their friends and future relationships, that they would be Godly and uplifting healthy relationships.  I have been recently blessed with many new relationships, and I have to say that it’s made a world of difference in my attitude and relationship with God.  In fact my relationship with the Lord has grown leaps and bounds because of the support I receive from these relationships, one in particular has encouraged me so much I have become a stronger person because of it.  And I thank God everyday for bringing this person into my life, not only because of the changes that came with them but all of the life lessons I’ve learned since and can now use to teach my children in the future.  No matter where we are in life or how young or old we may be, God wants us to have those relationships to help us carry one another when need be.  I pray God guides you in the direction you need to be to attain these types of relationships, it’s never too late to make new friends!            

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sex and the Single Dad

This week's post is by one of the leading authorities in single parenthood, Jennifer Maggio of The Life of a Single Mom.  I really connected with Jennifer's blog because as many of you know, I lived a life of extreme sexual sin and it's devastating effects for years myself as well.  I pray you will really take her words to heart here, and understand that this is not written by one (or several) person's opinion, but through direct obedience to God's Word.  Be blessed in knowing who you are in Christ today.

Yep, I’m going there. There’s no sense in pretending the subject does not exist, so…  buckle up.

I recently came across a website that INFURIATED me.  In fact, that is probably a serious understatement.  Since my life’s passion is single moms, I am always researching single parent topics.  I happened upon an article regarding sex and singles.  I would not dare give you the name of the site, because I will not give them the satisfaction of multiple hits.  But here is what the meat of the article said, loosely translated, “My name is Sally.  I am single.  I have been for some time.  I am also a Christian.  I have been for some time.  And I am sexually active.  I have been for some time.  God created sex.  Sex is good.  And since no normal human being would be able to abstain for any length of time anyway (and God really does not expect us to), I know God will forgive me.  I’m going for it and you should do the same.”

The lengthy article sparked quite the controversy.  I almost chimed in with the hundreds of other comments and voiced my outrage, but quickly knew that it would fall on deaf ears and she wrote that article (and many like it) for that exact reason.

80% of the country identifies themselves as Christian, so why is it that none of us talk about this subject?  Christians follow God’s written word as their life’s instruction book – The Bible.  The Bible is more than clear on its principles regarding sex.

1 Corinthians 6:18 NLT “Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does…”  There are dozens and dozens of Scriptures that outline God’s word for how sex is supposed to happen.  Sex is good.  It IS right.  But only within God’s plan for our lives.

This is not new news for most of us.  We’ve heard it before.  But have you ever wondered why God puts such a difficult “don’t” on our list?  Have you ever thought, like the woman above, that this was a ridiculous measure for which no one could ever live up to?  That ain’t right how God won’t let us have any fun, huh?  Well let me tell you what “ain’t right”…
- Suicides among teen girls
- Sexually transmitted diseases affect millions
- AIDS in still an incurable disease
- Millions of babies have been killed through abortion, because moms cannot afford to or do not see how they could care for them.
- 50% of babies are born outside marriage today, which leads to single parenting.  Single parenting among those under 25 is most often associated with lower income rates, higher high school drop out rates, suicide, depression, and abuse. Those are the facts.  (For exact citations, refer to The Church and the Single Mom by Jennifer Maggio).

 That does not even broach the subject of giving oneself over sexually to another and how the emotions tie in or the broken hearts that follow.

Let me challenge you with this idea.  As a parent, when we tell our 7-year-old not to play in the street, is it because we do not want him to have any fun playing kickball with his friends?  Are we  just plain ol’ mean parents?  No, of course not.  It is because we understand the potential danger that our precious seven-year-old could experience and we want to protect him — EVEN IF HE DOESN’T UNDERSTAND WHY.  The exact same is true for Christians.  Our Heavenly Father does not want to hinder joy in our lives, but He does want to protect us from potential harm.
And before you decide that I am some rigid, unbending, beat-you-over-the-head-with-the-Bible, finger-pointing, judgemental Christian, let me stop you.  I WAS some of those statistics.  I was sexually active at thirteen, pregnant four times by nineteen, and dabbled in sexual promiscuity for years thereafter, living in poverty, depression, abuse, and more.  I have lived it and seen first-hand the devastation it causes.

Today, as I work full-time with single parents, I have seen hundreds of young teens walk through the most difficult seasons of their lives because they did not wait.  I’ve seen thousands of single moms struggle emotionally and financially, because they did not wait.  I’ve seen the trickle affect that this one simple concept (or lack thereof) has had on our economy, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth.

And before my inbox is flooded with countless emails, let me be clear.  Everyone has their list of issues they are working on.  (I know I sure do).  No one thing is greater than the other.  I am not saying this is just a single parent problem, obviously, but my passion is for helping the single parent live a better life.
Before you embark on one more meaningless sexual relationship that could very well leave you more emotionally broken, more financially broken, and more spiritually broken, think about its effects and know that there is great freedom in simply waiting for the right one.

Jennifer Maggio is an award-winning author and speaker, who is considered one of the nation’s leading authorities on single parent issues. She is the author of two critically-acclaimed books, founder of a single parent magazine, columnist, 11-time Circle of Excellence winner, and founder of The Life of a Single Mom Ministries.  She has helped launch more than 500 single parent ministries in churches in 19 countries and runs one of the nation’s largest. She has appeared on countless radio and television programs including, The 700 Club, Daystar TV, Focus on the Family and more.  For more info, visit

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Broken But Not Destroyed

Today's guest blogger holds an extremely special place in my heart and life- my best friend in the world, Pastor Daniel Jackson.  Dan and I will be celebrating 18 years of friendship this month, and I can honestly say that he has played an enormous role in my walk with the Lord.  I pray you enjoy his blog; and you can find out more about his church in Tampa, FL at

“You have to take control over your life” is a familiar saying that can be heard being echoed in our schools, medical offices and rehabilitation centers. As a result of being encouraged to take control, people are now driven by this desire to be in control. Well the only problem with that is that for the believer, this walk is all about giving your will for God’s will. So once you’ve joined this Christian Army your way of thinking has to change. No more I, but Christ that lives inside, should be your new model. I know, I know, this change of thinking is easier said than done, but Jeremiah 10:23 says; “O Lord, I know that the way of a man is not in himself: It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.”

But that old way of thinking has caused some of us to become our own wise counsel, instead of seeking the face of God. As a result of this thinking, if it felt good to “US” then we threw our all into it. So we find ourselves in relationships that we never even prayed about. We told everybody else about the relationship but God, and when the relationship didn’t work out you felt ashamed and embarrassed. The pain that you felt was as though your life was coming to an end, and quite frankly the desire to live seemed to have gone. Well, what happened is that the devil was trying to us the pain, shame and embarrassment to destroy you. Some of you were promised the altar, some of you were left at the altar, and some of your lives were forever altered as a result of this failed relationship. But I will tell this day under the authority of God that this thing was allowed to take place in your life only to bring you to the point of giving up your control. You had to be broken in order to be completely healed. Psalms 51:17 says; “The sacrifice of God are a broken spirit: a broken spirit and a contrite heart, Oh God thou wilt not despise.”

That friendship, that relationship was a sacrifice that you needed to make to get you to the point of brokenness. Stop pondering on the things that you’ve lost or have had to give up. There is something greater that God has in-store for you! This thing was never designed to destroy you, but to prepare you for the true blessing from God that shall be released as a result of your total surrender.

                                                   In His Service,

                                             Pastor Daniel Jackson

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Co-Parenting with the Ex, Helping Children Thrive After Divorce

Well, August is upon us and as promised, I am featuring several guest bloggers this month.  Leading things off is my friend Tammy Daughtry and her expertise on parents working together for the better of the children.  I pray you are blessed by her input and encourage you to look up her new book and check out her website, all of which is listed below.  Go get 'em Tammy!

Co-Parenting "Business Meetings" With The Ex, Helping Children Thrive After Divorce
By Tammy Daughtry, MMFT
Founder, Co-Parenting International

Author, Co-parenting Works! Helping Your Children Thrive After Divorce!
I have been a co-parent for 11 years now, Angelia was two when her father and I divorced. One of the best decisions we made early on was to NEVER discuss co-parenting issues in front of her during the transition time. We don't discuss schedule issues, financial issues or even discipline concerns. We reserve these discussions for a private conversation between us when she is not present. Over the years we have met for coffee at a local restaurant or we have planned conference calls in the evenings after she is asleep. It has taken hard work to make these meetings possible, but what we have done is given Angelia a peaceful experience when we are both present, with no worry or concern about anything uncomfortable for her.
Unfortunately, many children of divorce truly dread the transition time because their parents argue and discuss difficult topics in front of them. Many angry ex's use this as a time to try and get back at the other parent, but the person who gets hurt the most is always the child. If you are a co-parent or you know someone who is, consider trying to have co-parenting meetings away from the children's hearing or sight.
In my book, Co-parenting Works! Helping Children Thrive After Divorce, we call these TEAMM Meetings: The TEAMM acronym stands for The End Adult Matters Most. We have to put aside our past, our emotions, and find a way to coordinate schedules and life details so our children can have the very best life possible, even though they are being raised between two homes. We compare this to being "CO-CEOs" of a business. There are thousands of details to manage, financial obligations, long range planning as well as immediate crisis management at times. It is critical that co-parents work together for the sake of their children.
For a free sample of a CO-PARENTING TEAMM MEETING AGENDA and other free co-parenting articles, see

Thursday, July 26, 2012

August is Guest Blogger Month!

I will be using next month as an opportunity to allow other writers to share their hearts as guest bloggers.  Those writers will include Stacy Haight, Jennifer Barnes Maggio (Life of a Single Mom), Tammy Daughtry (Co Parenting International), and Pastor Daniel Jackson (Divine Cathedral of Faith- Tampa, FL). 

I am excited to see what God speaks through these individuals, so stay tuned!

Friday, July 20, 2012


Read Psalm 51

I was outside (in this BEAUTIFUL weather) today with a friend of mine discussing sin.  We talked about how when someone is walking in sin it affects all areas of your life.  Being a bright sunny day out, he pointed down to our shadows and said that when we walk in sin it's like our shadow- it follows us around everywhere.  I then noticed something pretty cool.  Think about it: When you are facing directly into the sun, your shadow is directly behind you.  However, when you turn your back to the sun, your shadow is right there in front of you.  Hmmm...sound familiar?  When we are focused and keeping ourselves facing directly at the SON, our shadow (sin) is always behind us.  When we turn our backs to the Son, our sin is ever before us!  Don't you love it when God uses His own creation to make lessons so easy for us? 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who's to Blame?

One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts. -Psalm 145:4 (NKJV)

I overheard some guys at work talking this week about how lost and delinquent the current generation of youth is.  Since I am also in teen ministry myself, I decided to include myself in the conversation.  I asked them who they really thought was to blame.  I went on to say that since all babies are born relatively the same and their only two major needs and desires in life growing up are to be loved by their parents and to play, their actions must have been taught from somewhere else.  Sadly, each generation IS responsible for the next, and it begins at home with our own children.  We have created an over-sexed, under-moral, virtual, and hopeless world- and our kids are becoming the victims of our choices.  As fathers, despite what type of upbringing and home environment we may have come from, it is OUR job to raise, train, and grow our children not only in the Lord, but to also prepare them for life in general.  Anything short and we miss the mark.  Whether you are a single father or not, I am challenging ALL dads to begin to search for ways to connect with your children.  If you have older kids or adult children, this may be a bit more difficult, but definitely not impossible.  There may be some tough talks, a huge swallow of humble pie on our part, and tears, but God has equipped us to be strong in these type of situations. (2Tim 1:7)  As I wrote in my book and will repeat here, Jesus commands us to go and make disciples; well, it begins at home with our kids.  They're waiting Dad.  Seek God today through prayer and His Word to find everything you need to become a godly father and help raise a godly next generation. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Father's Influence

The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him. -Prov 20:7 (NASB)

I really just want to write today to encourage any of you fathers out there (single or married) and explain to you the unmeasurable weight you carry as an influence in your children's lives.  I'm not going to dwell on statistics or redundant statements; but rather, on personal experience and of course- God's Word.
As the verse above explains, when we are walking in harmony with Jesus and His commandments, we not only prosper, but as do our kids.  God loves to bless other generations through the faithfulness of others. (Deut 7:9)  My daughter's life is no different. 

Any of you who know my story know that there was a point in my life when I was living for everything OTHER than God.  I destroyed not only my own body physically and spiritually- but so many individuals were left for the worse after they had met me.  Some of those people I have been able to reconcile relationship with and ask for their forgivness; obviously I was forgiven as well when I came to the Cross.  Over the years I have had numerous ups and downs in both my walk with the Lord and as a father.  However, God does not look at the short term (though He is concerned with our daily walk), but rather with the molding and shaping of our character.  Very rarely do things happen overnight in regards to this- it is a lifelong process.  Paul tells us in Phil 1:6, "For I am confident in this very thing, that He who began good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." (NASB)

Every time I have my daughter I watch with absolute awe and amazement of all that God is doing in her life.  She is becoming stronger in her prayers every day; is very selfless when it comes to the wellbeing of others (a quaility rare in any 6 year old); and makes life decisions often beyond her years.  It is because of the fruit like this that (without going into detail) my mentor once told me that if she is already portraying these type of Christ-like attributes, that my influence is definitely stronger than others in her life.  I am not saying this by any means to diminish her mother's parenting.  I am simply making the point that when we dads are completely sold out to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, despite our past mistakes- God will cleanse and establish us.  Being faithful to His word, He will bless or children as well. 

So here is my charge to you today Dad: Dig into God's Word and follow Jesus' commandments.  Continue to strengthen your relationship with Him through prayer and take up your cross daily.  Understand what your children need from you as their father and seek God in accomplishing this.  Our Father expects very our best, and our children deserve no less.  Be blessed man of God. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

No More Denominations?

You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. -Deut 4:2 (NASB)

I had a short discussion with a buddy at work this past week. If God's Kingdom is supposed to be here on earth as well, and we know there's no denominations in Heaven- why is the church separating itself with denominations and losing ground in this nation?!? I also read that Muslims and Mormons are the two fastest growing religious groups in America- yet we spend all of our time bickering about which "church" is the best and teaching our kids tales of bunny rabbits and flying reindeer rather than our Savior's return.  We have different stances on topics such as pro-homosexualtiy and church buildings closing left and right.  There were NO denominations when Christ walked the earth, and He is coming back for ONE Bride- not to pick and choose the best out of the group.  It's time for the Church to regain what it was created to do- and that's spread the Good News and reach the lost while we still have time. 

One such event that is taking an approach to this is the "Gathering the Bride" here in Grand Rapids, MI on July 14th.  This is a gathering of the Body of Christ (we're all one) to worship and pray for our city, state, and nation as a whole.  You can find more information on Facebook at!/events/441159229234426/

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Recent Prayer Vision

As I was in some prayer time this weekend, God showed me something really cool.  I will say that I honestly do not get many visions when I'm in prayer, so that's what makes this one extra special.  The first thing you need to know is I was in prayer asking the Lord's forgiveness for bowing down to so many idols and false gods throughout my life, namely lust and addictions.  Here is the vision that followed.

I saw myself back in the late 90's (at the height of my addiction to drinking, drugs, and sex) outside of a club I used to frequent regularly in Tampa, FL.  What I saw was two men.  I saw my natural man: Laughing, partying, and drinking in the streets.  Then I saw my spirit man: Being bombarded by spiritual bullets as if from an M-16.  I watched as my spirit was gunned down in the street, laying dead in a pool of blood as my natural man continued to fall deeper into the abyss of self worthlessness.  I was literally dead spiritually at that point in my life.  Then, the timeline fast forwarded several years to 2001- when I first gave my life to Christ.  Jesus breathed life back into my spirit man and I began to stand up.  Just then, another wave of bullets pierced through me and I once again fell to the ground.  This symbolized my lack of surrender even though I asked Jesus into my life.  Just as I was beginning to walk with Him I fell back into addiction and once again began spiritually perishing.  However, upon this next wave of bullets, Jesus immediately jumped in front of them.  I watched as they bounced off of Him with zero effect.  At the same time, He reached around and took my dead, lifeless body by the hand.  "Get up Matt!" He commanded.  I slowly rose to one knee.  "Get up!" He repeated.  I stood to my feet.  As the bullets continued to ricochet off of my Savior, a strength that I had never known flooded through my body.  Not only did I continue to stand, but I stood tall and strong!  What I was seeing was another few years into the future- this time in 2007 when I COMPLETELY SURRENDERED myself at the Cross and made Jesus Christ the Lord of my life once and for all.  This time I have not allowed myself to step out from that physical and spiritual protection that ONLY He can provide. 

The final part of the vision was rather amusing.  It's almost as if I compared my surrender, sanctification, and salvation to the ending portion of the movie Hancock.  If you've seen the movie and remember the hospital scene, then you know that as Hancock moved further and further away from his counter part (Charlize Theron), he became stronger.  Each leap became a bit more significant.  He pushed through a wall, fell into the street, but gained form, strength, and stability with every leap further from the source that had drained him of his powers.  Eventually, Hancock FLEW to heights that were once a natural part of his life.  I saw the same in my life: With Jesus as my covering and foundation, I went from a bloody and eternally condemned spirit man in the streets of Tampa- to a man, father, and disciple of Christ who is now flying in his God-given destiny!  It is only when we come to the Cross fully abandoned from worldly lusts and idols that we can reach these heights.  Romans 5:19 states, "Just as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous."  (NKJV)   So if you are being gunned down by spiritual bullets today, run to the only One who has the power and authority to not only save you from yourself, but take you to the heights and restore you to the level that you were created for! 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How Far is Too Far?

“Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not do the things which I say?” -Luke 6:46 (NKJV)

I’m pretty sure that I am not going to be very popular with a lot of people after they read this blog, but I feel it needs to be discussed.  A few weeks ago I initiated the question to some friends, “Why is it that as Christians, when we do not follow the Bible in its entirety- we’re hypocrites; yet, if we follow it completely- we’re prudes?”  My main thought behind this was in regards to sexual purity, the stewarding of our bodies, and the way we handle it in our personal relationships.  What does that look like?  To tell you the truth, I cannot say.  That is between you and the Lord, but we must also understand that our bodies are not our own, and sin is sin.  If you read and study God’s Word, sin almost always leads to death (Prov 7:6-23; James 1:14-15), but His ways and statues lead to life (Psalm 119:9-11, 101, 105; Isaiah 55:9)  Now, please understand I do realize we are under no condemnation and that everyone falls- but this is never a reason to go on sinning willfully!  The point I am getting at is that we are constantly under the microscope by others who are just waiting for us to mess up so that they can pick out “flaws” in Christianity.  That is why we must continue to stay submitted to God and maintain a higher standard (Phil 3:16) and lead others towards the Cross.

My girlfriend and I recently ordered a couple copies of the book Hero: Becoming the Man She Desires by Fred and Jasen Stoeker.  We did this because we want to begin (and maintain) our relationship in absolute purity for the glory of God so that He will bless it.  Based on my previous experience, and to go along with Paul’s words, I put NO confidence in the flesh whatsoever! (Phil 3:3)  We can have the best intentions and be completely sold out to Christ, but let’s face it- when times get hot and heavy- we are definitely entering into dangerous waters!  The best protection anyone can possibly do is to put safeguards around circumstances and never let ourselves fall into that trap.  I heard Fred once talk about his son Jasen and how Jasen and his fiancée maintained absolute purity right up to the wedding altar: they never put themselves in compromising situations and never were alone where wrong choices could be made.  If this is the type of relationship you desire, seek God in helping you not only find the strength to withstand, but to put barriers up for your protection.  Remember, when there’s no boundaries placed around us, our so called “freedom” can actually lead to a prison of pain and hurt.  However, when we live and operate within God’s perfect Word and statutes, we find a level of love, trust, and peace that cannot be matched!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Get Soaked!

"Surely the righteous will give thanks to Your name; the upright will dwell in Your presence." -Psalm 140:13 (NASB)

One of the newest tools I have recently added to my walk is "soaking sessions".  A soaking session is basically just that- a time of worship, prayer, and basking in God's presence.  It is much more intimate than just going into your prayer closet, it is a time for both the natural and the supernatural and waiting on God to move.  Soaking can be done alone or with others in the room, but the main point is to remain focused on what God is speaking to you by staying keen to the Spirit. 

There are even Cd's available with very soft (often without words) music to create an atmosphere of worship.  An individual is welcome to pray both in their native and unknown language, to be still as long as they feel led, and to pray/petition with God to do the supernatural.  I personally choose to put on the soaking music and lie on the floor with a pillow (and sometimes a blanket).  I will start out by reading some Scripture (often from Psalms), release a prayer, and then lie on my back and just absorb all that is going on around me.  My main prayer every time I soak is to calm my heart and to make my mind still- to block out all that is going on in my life and allow God to take control.  It's even getting to the point that I fall asleep the majority of the time I soak, but I wouldn't say that's a bad thing.  I find that when I wake the next day, my demeanor is extremely calm, and I feel completely at peace. 

I would encourage you to begin to seek this out in your own life.  Do some research on it and grab a few Cd's.  Most of all, EXPECT an encounter with God each and every time you soak.  God inhabits the praise of His people and will draw near to us as we draw near to Him (James 4:8).  When we walk in obedience with our Lord, He is faithful to hear and answer our prayers.  Make the attempt to add a soaking session into your walk regularly, and wait on God to do the amazing in your life. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

A Father's Walk Book Review

Here is a link to a book review to my new book A Father's Walk: A Christian-Based Resource for Single Fathers.  It was written by Wayne Parker from Fatherhood:

The book can be ordered directly off of our website: or call (616) 581-4409.  I truly believe in this book and my prayer is for it to help start changing the culture in our country (and around the world) in regards to single fathers increasing their walk with Christ and becoming the godly men and fathers they were created to be!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Real Men Love Jesus

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” –Rom 8:37 (NKJV)

You probably recognize the title of this blog is the same as certain bumper stickers, t-shirts, etc that are going around. Yes, they are popular- but they carry what I believe is a very powerful and necessary message as well. The world chooses to make their own image of what a “man” should be and to make Jesus into some sort of wimp and cream puff. From a very young age males are taught to be tough, hook up with multiple girls, fight, drink, etc…

When I spoke to a group before, I tried to take examples such as these and compare them to what a follower of Christ would do in the exact same situation. Here are a few examples, backed up of course, with Scripture:
Any man can pick a fight, but it takes a REAL man to defuse a situation (Rom 12:20-21)
Any man can go get drunk, but it takes a REAL man to follow God (Eph 5:18)
Any man can make a baby, but it takes a REAL man to be a father (Eph 6:4)
Any man can help out, but it takes a REAL man to lay down his life for others (John 10:11-15)
And so on…

The point I am making here is that Jesus is the ultimate Man, and any of us who desire to follow Him must make great sacrifices in regards to what the world perceives. Whether or not others accept our lives is not the issue. What’s truly important is the way we desire to deny ourselves daily to become more Christ-like. Remember, when it’s all said and done, Jesus is the One we will stand before for our eternal inheritance. When we deny Him, we deny God; but, when we glorify Him- we glorify God. Know who you are in Jesus Christ, and then walk it out in your day to day life. When you do, you truly are “the man”!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Do You Have Heart Burn?

Now it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight. And they said to one another, “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” –Luke 24:30-32 (NKJV)

If you have followed my testimony at any time, you know that I gave my life to Christ in 2001, walked away for a few years, and came back for good in 2007. I often describe that day of when I recommitted my life as “my heart began to burn…” You see, when Jesus really begins to pull at your heart and the Spirit is moving - you know it! Does God move in the lives of
unbelievers? Absolutely- otherwise, how else would anyone ever get saved in the first place? However, it’s when we really begin to build a close and intimate relationship with God that our hearts yearn for more of what He has to offer. We were created for worship, and when our Creator speaks to us personally, there is no greater experience. Jesus got very close with
His disciples and expressed His feelings as the time neared for the crucifixion. In John 15:15 He tells them that He no longer calls them His servants, but rather, His friends. I mean, can you really imagine that day? The God of the universe, the One who created them in the first place, was washing their feet! Jesus set the mark right there- teaching the disciples what a true servant of the Lord is, showed how much He loved them and how we should love each other, and promised the coming of the Holy Spirit.

My question to you today is: “Does your heart burn for Christ?” Are you so head over heels in love with Him that you know it when you’ve stepped too far away? And, does your heart burn when He moves in your children’s lives as well? A burning heart doesn’t have to be the result of some huge move of God (although that would get us going). No, a burning heart can be when we actually recognize all of the little things God does in our life, and consider how lost we are without Him. Seek Jesus daily. Fan that flame of the Holy Spirit by keeping the worship going. Pray and thank the Lord for all that you’ve been blessed with. Most of all, praise Him for saving us when He didn’t have to…because His heart burns for us- forever.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Single Parenting Expo Update

"...just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." -Matt 20:28 (NJKV)
Well, for those of you who could not make it to the expo personally, it went great. Although overall traffic was slow, I definitely do not count this as a negative because I really saw a lot of our guests being ministered to! We had prayers, tears, and laughter! I followed up with several of our guests last night and everyone encouraged us to do it again next year.
With that being said, we are always open for prayers, financial support, more organizations to participate, and suggestions as to how we can reach more people next year. Once again, thank you to everyone who participated in one form or another- it could not have been achieved without all of you!