Thursday, August 9, 2012

Broken But Not Destroyed

Today's guest blogger holds an extremely special place in my heart and life- my best friend in the world, Pastor Daniel Jackson.  Dan and I will be celebrating 18 years of friendship this month, and I can honestly say that he has played an enormous role in my walk with the Lord.  I pray you enjoy his blog; and you can find out more about his church in Tampa, FL at

“You have to take control over your life” is a familiar saying that can be heard being echoed in our schools, medical offices and rehabilitation centers. As a result of being encouraged to take control, people are now driven by this desire to be in control. Well the only problem with that is that for the believer, this walk is all about giving your will for God’s will. So once you’ve joined this Christian Army your way of thinking has to change. No more I, but Christ that lives inside, should be your new model. I know, I know, this change of thinking is easier said than done, but Jeremiah 10:23 says; “O Lord, I know that the way of a man is not in himself: It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.”

But that old way of thinking has caused some of us to become our own wise counsel, instead of seeking the face of God. As a result of this thinking, if it felt good to “US” then we threw our all into it. So we find ourselves in relationships that we never even prayed about. We told everybody else about the relationship but God, and when the relationship didn’t work out you felt ashamed and embarrassed. The pain that you felt was as though your life was coming to an end, and quite frankly the desire to live seemed to have gone. Well, what happened is that the devil was trying to us the pain, shame and embarrassment to destroy you. Some of you were promised the altar, some of you were left at the altar, and some of your lives were forever altered as a result of this failed relationship. But I will tell this day under the authority of God that this thing was allowed to take place in your life only to bring you to the point of giving up your control. You had to be broken in order to be completely healed. Psalms 51:17 says; “The sacrifice of God are a broken spirit: a broken spirit and a contrite heart, Oh God thou wilt not despise.”

That friendship, that relationship was a sacrifice that you needed to make to get you to the point of brokenness. Stop pondering on the things that you’ve lost or have had to give up. There is something greater that God has in-store for you! This thing was never designed to destroy you, but to prepare you for the true blessing from God that shall be released as a result of your total surrender.

                                                   In His Service,

                                             Pastor Daniel Jackson

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