Sunday, January 26, 2014

Default Christians

…This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. –Mark 7:6

            I have identified many of today’s “Christians” as what I like to call default Christians. Basically, these would be people that have the mindset of, “Well, I believe in GOD, I’m not a Muslim or Atheist, I live in America, so thus my default…I must be a Christian.” Or something like that. Pick whatever cliché you want: going to church makes you a Christian as much as standing in a garage makes you a car, believing in God makes you a Christian, being a good person makes you a Christian, etc… They may even stick up for some of the hot topics of debate in today’s Church, but never set foot in a church themselves. None of these even come close to comparing to the sacrifice Jesus paid for us and what He asks in return.
            I cannot think of a single time during Jesus’ ministry where He gave us a free pass on following Him. Christianity is a conscious and willful decision to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and to lay everything we have…our money, family, comfort, or even our life down before God to do with it as He sees fit. It is also with the understanding that we have no idea of what is in our own best interest; not the way God does. At least an atheist believes they are an atheist, but a complacent or misconstrued Christian is even more dangerous; because they represent a false sense of security that may endanger others in believing the same.
            This is where studying God’s Word through the Holy Spirit (who is given to us through Christ) and in its entirety is so crucial. The more we spend time in God’s presence and allow Him to work within us, the more we are able to spiritually see and discern for ourselves(1Cor 2:14). I don’t know where you find yourself in your walk today, but one thing is for sure: If we are not living, breathing, and modeling God’s will for our life correctly, then as James says, we delude ourselves. Comfort doesn’t necessarily mean correct. And the label of “Christian” can be quite different than the reality of “Christ-follower.”

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. -1Cor 1:25
If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord”, you will be saved. –Romans 10:9

Monday, January 13, 2014

Helping the Single Fathers in Your Life

           I often spend so much time in the world of single parent ministry that I forget there are plenty of strong and thriving marriages out there. I also am so directly engaged with single fathers on a daily basis that I tend to overlook those of you who may have a son, brother, friend, or grandson who is a single dad. It is for that very reason I am writing this blog. Many of you may perhaps know a single father and aren’t exactly sure how to help him out. For me, having outside eyes and ears, or “referrals” if you will, helps me and the ministry reach single dads that I may not have ever had a chance to make contact with. So in short, I will do my best to help you if you can do the same for me.
            Single parent ministry is a whole new level of reaching people. It can be discouraging, messy, and rarely consistent. And unless you have ever been a single parent yourself, it can be quite intimidating to lend a helping hand to- let alone even knowing where to start. So to help guide you along, I am going to lay out five very quick tips that you can use to help build a foundation for your single father son, grandson, or whoever.

1.      Keep them covered

I know this may seem like an obvious one, but never underestimate the power of prayer; especially of a parent praying over their child. You may not completely understand everything your son is going through, and that’s fine. But pray specific and transparent prayers, not manipulative or selfish ones. Also be sure to love on the involved children unconditionally through it all and even pray with them whenever possible. Prayer can move mountains and when we pray within God’s will, we know we have the petitions we ask of Him. (Matt 10:20, 1John 5:14-15)

2.      Seek godly counsel

Believe me when I say that I am fully aware of just how little there is for single fathers out there when it comes to Christ-centered help. Start by contacting some of the local churches in your area- ones that may have a higher single parent population than others. Even if the church doesn’t have an actual “single parent” ministry, many of the pastors have perhaps counseled some single dads in the past and at least have a general understanding of what they face regularly. Of course, you may also feel free to contact me for additional help at

3.      Do NOT slam the mom!

This is our “Golden Rule” of the ministry. Yes, the entire situation may be a mess and perhaps she is being spiteful or manipulative. I am sure it can be quite painful to watch your son of friend go through it all. I am right there with you when it comes to experiencing how unjust some situations may be due to the other parent or the courts doing. Still, as followers of Christ we are called to hold to a higher standard and if we allow the sin of anger and bitterness to seep into our hearts, it will only overflow into other areas of our life- perhaps even around the children. Instead, ask the Lord to remove these negative emotions from you if need be (you may really have to do some hardcore praying here!), but a softened heart is the only way to honor God. (Psalm 57:7).

4.      Help them build a foundation

Statistics show that less than 12% of single parents attend church on a regular basis. Even if they do, with the divorce rate skyrocketing the way it is and out of wedlock births now the majority, I have seen plenty of Christian men find themselves to be single fathers. Single parenting equals brokenness no matter how you slice it, and we all know the only path to complete healing and restoration is through Jesus Christ. You know your son better than anyone. Bible thumping and condemning talk isn’t going work- I will tell you that right now. What they need is to see the true love of Christ: I’m talking like the love that was spilled out in a bloody mess down a tree and down the hill for us sort of love. This may mean revisiting your own relationship with the Lord first. The main focus here needs to be a safe zone where your son, grandson, or friend can feel completely accepted and loved; somewhere where their feet can be set upon rock.

5.      Stay focused on the long haul

Whether or not things ever get better between the dad and the mom no one knows. Dad’s focus needs to remain on the fact that he is Dad- for life. Things began extremely rocky between me and my daughter’s mom. Almost eight years later, it’s bumpy at best. Children get a huge part of their personality and self-perception from their father; and our enemy is a master at keeping us spinning around in circles instead of looking up to God for help. I once heard a great author say (I’m paraphrasing) [that as much as we would like to keep our children our little ones, our job as fathers is to prepare them for adulthood and then release them.] Christ is the head, followed by Dad. Any single father that holds fast to that will not only be able to persevere through the storms along the way, but will one day see God’s glory revealed through it all. (Romans 8:18)


            Once again, single parenting is a tough, tough situation for everyone involved. Our job as godly parents is to show the unconditional love of Christ to our own children, and to do the same for the kids involved. The Bible tells us to hate what is evil and to cling to what is good. Love never fails and perfect love casts out fear. Hold fast to all of God’s promises, because we know in Christ all of His promises are “yes” and “amen”.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Going Forth With Praise

O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You…And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the Lord, and who praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying: “Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever.” -2Chron 20:12, 21 (NKJV)

            How is your praise life? Not your prayer life- your praise life. Are you giving God the glory for all of the blessings in your life? Even better question: are you praising Him for the storms? If we read the entire passage in 2Chron 20:1-30 we find king Jehoshaphat and all of Judah facing innumerable odds against their approaching enemies. Sure, the king was frightened- for he knew that man to man they could not win this battle. Jehoshaphat was a righteous man of God and like any strong leader and man of faith, he reacted immediately with wisdom and faith in the Lord.

1.      Upon learning of the approaching threat, the first thing the king did was bring his people together to corporately fast and seek the Lord (v 3,4). This brought together a bond of unity throughout the land and prepared everyone’s heart for what lay ahead. Division causes confusion and is a scare tactic of our enemy. When we are unified with God through our faith in Christ, we secure a foundation that is not easily broken (Ecc 4:12).

2.      He reminded God of His promises. Jehoshaphat didn’t ask for a bail out. He was prepared to do God’s will regardless (v 9), but he also pleaded with God on behalf of the land spoke of God’s promises and faithfulness over Israel. Obviously, God does not need reminding; but it is in these moments of crying out to God that He can do His best work within us and increase our faith. Just like David, Jehoshaphat kept his eyes on God- not his circumstances (v 12).

3.      Praise went forth first. After the Lord spoke through the prophet Jahaziel and assured Judah they would not even have to fight this battle, the king still positioned his “praise team” to go forth first. Why do you think that is? Because praise always overcomes oppression (Isaiah 61:3). Israel’s enemies would defeat themselves and though what was perceived in the natural to be a losing fight, we must always remember that God works in both the natural AND the supernatural. We can’t fight spiritual battles on fleshy terms.

            So what are you up against today? Are you feeling a lot like Judah- with enemies closing in from all sides? Do the odds seem to be stacked overwhelmingly against you? Well, if that is the case you have reason to celebrate! Please don’t forget that we all have a High Priest that has gone on before us to clear the path to freedom. Our job is to keep our eyes on Him and offer up the sacrifice of praise, the fruit of our lips (Heb 13:15). For that is when God can do His best work.

For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? –Romans 8:24

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Single Fathers and today's Church podcast

Here is a podcast I recorded with Pastor Kyle Ray of Kentwood Community Church. It is on today's Church and single fathers. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Living the Dream

A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. –Prov 18:16 (NASB)

            In his video series Dream to Destiny, Pastor Robert Morris makes the statement that “Everyone has a God-given dream and everyone has a God-given destiny.” Pastor Morris goes on to explain that all too often most people spend so much time focusing on the dream that they never get around to living their destiny.
            Has God laid something specific on your heart that only you can accomplish? Perhaps it is to be an amazing parent, but one that follows His will and statutes for your family’s life. In order to do so, there may need to be some major changes or alterations in your current lifestyle. So what can you do about it- today? Or maybe God has called you to lead your company in a different direction, something that totally goes against the grain of society. This may require you to make some bold and perhaps illogical moves; but if it truly is from the Lord then He will see it come to pass. What about a call to ministry? That was the choice I was faced with last year- to quit my full time job and launch into the single dad ministry. Now here I am six months later. I have seen some amazing doors open and opportunities arise; but yet, I still feel as if I need to push deeper into where God is leading. I believe that for all of us, if He has given us a God-appointed destiny, the Lord will not just bring us right to the edge and say, “There you go. Good luck!” No, God will equip us with all of the right tools and resources to go from living the dream to living in our destiny. We need to have the faith, courage, and discernment to walk in it.
            The Bible says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Eph 2:10) Right there is evidence from God Himself that we ALL have a higher purpose in life than what many of us may currently be seeking. Going back to my original question, what has God laid on your heart to accomplish? My next question would be, “What’s holding you back?” Remember, He holds all of our circumstances in His hands- the good, the bad, and the ugly; but also know that for every challenge we may come across in life, God has also provided an answer in His Word to help us go “from dream to destiny”.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. –Rom 8:28 (NKJV)

Note: You can learn more about Robert Morris’ series Dream to Destiny at