Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who you are in Christ

When I first became a father and then a Christian, my whole world had just been turned upside down. You see, for about 99% of my life I had lived the typical "worldly" and "bachelor" life. Money, women, and partying were at the top of my list every week- with no thoughts to repercussions or consequences. However, that all began to change from 2006 and on.

Today I consider myself a disciple of Christ and a godly father. I have nailed my old ways to the cross and strive daily to improve myself as a child of God. So how did I get there? I needed to learn (and continue to do so) who I am in Jesus Christ.


The bible tells us that Adam and Eve were the first humans created by God. We were created in His image, and Adam even walked with the Lord in the cool of the evening in the Garden of Eden. We were created for fellowship with God! But then sin entered in the world and perverted the whole thing. Later down the line, the Lord made a covenant with Abraham and told him that he would become the father of many nations. Eventually, through the lineage of David, Jesus was born in order to bring the world back to God's original plan of fellowship. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and a dying of the flesh, Jesus rose and took His rightful place as the Savior of the world. (Romans 1:3-5) We, too, must die to the flesh in order to receive our true bloodline and be brought back into fellowship with God! (Matt 16:24-26)


I was born into a dysfunctional family, and my guess I am not the only one, right? However, I soon learned after giving my life to Jesus, that I am not defined by my earthly family, and that a new family lineage can begin with me! One of the scriptures that I hold on to constantly is 1Peter 1:23, "for you have been born again not of a seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God." What that means is even though we are born of earthly family lineage, that all changes when we give our lives to the Lord. Jesus confirms who His (our) true family is in Matthew 12:46-50. We are NOT defined by our earthly families, surroundings, social status, addictions, our pasts, and by the world! We ARE defined as children of the living God- heirs to the Kingdom of God!


"So that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope in eternal life." -Titus 3:7 (NASB)

Our God is the best Father we could ever pray for, and like every good Dad, he leaves an inheritance to His children. Only this time, the inheritance has eternal blessings. Once we step into the Kingdom of God, our eternal future changes for good. We are given crowns of righteousness (2Tim 4:8) and our validation/protection comes from the Lord Himself (Isaiah 54:17). We are sealed from anything this world can do to harm us, and in so- we can ensure the same for our children. Dad, if you haven't made the decision to follow Christ with all of your heart, today is the day. Thank Him for being the Father that He is; know where your true family lineage lies; accept His grace and forgiveness; and be ready to receive your inheritance! Once you've accepted Jesus fully as your Lord and Savior, understand that our job is to steward our kids in the same way- for God's purposes. Lead them the way they should be led, and show them that not only are you a great daddy, but their Father loves them more than they could ever comprehend!

God bless you all.

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