Sunday, November 17, 2013

Be Careful Little Children What You See

“I’m watchin’ what I’m watchin’…” –Tripp Lee

                You know when you buy a new car how all of a sudden a bunch of the same cars you just purchased magically appear all over the place? Obviously, they didn’t just “appear”- they’ve always been there but your eyes were not trained to look for them. I just left the video store and man was I depressed! We already know that our culture is ridiculously overridden with sex and violence, but what really stuck out to me was the unbelievable number of DEMONIC movies out there. I’m not talking horror- I mean full blown satanic worship. Just like the cars, these movies may have always been there, but as I push closer to Christ, my mind and eyes are now much more alert to anything that opposes Him.

                According to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, kids and teens 8 to 18 years old spend nearly four hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost two additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) playing video games- not to mention the time they spend in school, extracurricular activities, and with their friends. Here’s my point: With such minimal quality time available to spend with our kids, and with so many ungodly influences lurking nearby, as the spiritual heads of our kids we need to be speaking, teaching, and modeling Jesus to them whenever possible. Ephesians 4:32 reminds us to watch the way that we talk; but I would also say we are to be mindful to what goes INTO our heads too. Dads, are you staying on alert towards the enemy as Peter instructs us- guarding you and your kid’s heart and mind? Or, are you oblivious to what they are being exposed to, perhaps even falling short yourself and participating in music and movies any Christ follower has no business with? Sure, we may not be watching movies like the ones I mentioned above, but let’s face it- the vast majority of secular media is in no way God-honoring.

                Whether we choose to engage ourselves or not, there is a war for ours and our children’s souls going on all around us. God did not create us to lie down and play dead, and He sure as heck didn’t make us to be complacent. The Bible tells us that things are only going to get worse when it comes to values, family structure, and the way the world views God. The cool part is that if we choose- we can be completely exempt from the enemy’s plans and not only stand firm against his schemes, but protect and lead the next generation in Christ. Dad, God gives us clear direction to “examine ourselves”. Take inventory today and put your activities, hobbies, and passions up against His Word, removing anything that fails the test. By doing so, you will not only enhance your own walk with Him, but you will be able to influence your son or daughter to make a stand and show the world the Light it so desperately needs to see.

Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. -1Thess 5:21-22

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