Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Ten Deadly Traps Single Fathers Fall Into: Depression

It’s pretty well known that in general, men don’t like to ask for help (speaking personally here). We don’t need a map when it comes to knowing which way to go; we can fix anything without directions; and of course we are always well-versed when it comes to working our way around a clothing store and making sure everything matches perfectly! At the risk of driving a bit longer when we didn’t have to, not all of the parts working right after we “fixed” something, or defying many of the latest fashion trends, the consequences of men not asking for help can often be minimal- but not when it comes to depression.

If we are not on guard, failure to address the hurts and frustrations of single parenting and/or our current situations can develop from sadness into something more serious, such as depression. Society tells us to “suck it up” or keep it in. If left untreated (like asking for help, guys!), depression can sink in deeper; potentially leading to physical health and mental degeneration, isolation, or risky/addictive behaviors.

But there is a way to prevent this or to break free! First off, recognize that you may be in depression or heading that way. Drop the ego or mindset that you (we) can work this out on our own. Build a strong support system of other healthy Christian men around you whom you can call on when needed and who will check in on you. Perhaps change to a more nutritious diet and add in an exercise routine (at a doctor’s discretion first). Definitely increase your prayer life and ask God for the ability to renew your mind; to have “the mind of Christ”.  Don’t be ashamed to look into Christian counseling and apply it when needed. Finally, if and when it is possible, stay engaged with your children; doing your best not to let your struggles hinder your parenting ability. That is not to say we should hide everything from our kids, they need to see we struggle too and how we can work through it in a godly way. Just do your best to give them your best when they are with you. God gives us the ability to overcome anything through Christ; but He also provides other individuals and resources in our lives to help us through too. Don’t wait! Today is the day of freedom- whether breaking free from depression, or never allowing it to begin in the first place.

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. –Isaiah 42:10 (NASB)

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