Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ten Deadly Traps Single Fathers Fall Into: Loss of Identity

It’s so easy to put our self-worth in other things, even for Christians. We can become complacent over a longer period of time, especially if things are going well; or we never develop any sort of healthy self-perception to begin with. Either way, failure to put our identity in anything other than Jesus Christ can and eventually will fail. To the single father who may have recently lost his marriage and/or children, a lifestyle that seemed unbreakable, or even to the one who was never shown who he is as a man by his own dad, this can be a crucial time to regaining that foundation. We tend to believe the lies of others when we are down, and that is when our enemy can REALLY get a foothold!
They say it is too hard to build a house in a storm; that we need to do so before or after we get hit. If in fact you find yourself as a single father coping with loss of identity as a man, provider, father, or any other area, then now is the best time to begin the rebuilding process. Dive headfirst into prayer on a regular basis. Develop a personal relationship with God and learn who you are through His eyes, not other’s. Surround yourself with a strong support system and seek out Christian counseling if necessary.

Once you’ve been able to break through this stronghold, perseverance through the tough times becomes a main focus. Paul, Peter, and James all tell us in one form or another that it is through the trials that we develop godly character (Rom 5:3-5, James 1:2-4, 1Pet 4:12-13, 5:10). Keep building on your relationship with the Lord and whenever possible, stay in open communication with your children. It only takes a few loving words from our sons or daughters on what we mean to them as dads to really pump life back into us! Above all, know that you are an invaluable part of their life, whether or not they live with you full time. Keep your eyes upward and take your position in Christ the way that He sees you: as His creation, worthy to die for, and strong enough to care for His children.

For you have been born again not of a seed that is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God. -1Pet 1:23 (NASB)

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