Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How to Start Your Own Single Parenting Expo

“Before they are eighteen, about half of our Nation’s children will have lived part of their lives with a single parent who strives to fill the role of both mother and father…Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim March 21, 1984 as National Single Parents Day…”

            Thirty years later, Reagan’s predictions are more than accurate. Single parent households have now become the dominant form of residence in our nation; yet the resources available to them are still way too thin and scattered. Three years ago, God laid on the hearts of myself and a friend’s to brainstorm, assemble, and provide a new way of reaching out to single parents: a one-day “Expo” style event designed to provide single parents with the resources they need─ all in one place and at one time! Thus, on March 17th, 2012, the inaugural Grand Rapids Single Parenting Expo was launched. We held our event at the Salvation Army Kroc Center in downtown GR; had about 10 vendors present; and about 20 guests total. Humble beginnings for such a big vision. Last year we moved locations to another building, had about 20 vendors available, and served about 30-40 guests. This past weekend, we again had 20 organizations represented, plus several speakers, door prize giveaways, and activities for the kids, and a food truck to serve families in need. We served over 50-60 guests inside the building and another 130+ outside at the food truck! Needless to say, the Expo has grown every year in its short existence.
            I am extremely excited by what God has done through the Expo the last three years, and I truly believe it is only going to get bigger and better…not for our glory, but for His. My prayer and vision is to see events like this pop up all over the nation in hopes of reaching so many single parents that are right at our fingertips to help, but we are missing valuable opportunities.
            Thus, here are a few quick tips on what I have discovered has worked over the past three years and in hopes to help you, should you feel led, to begin a Single Parenting Expo in your own city.

1.      Good idea vs. God idea

The Bible tells us to “commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” (Ps 37:4) Seek Him through prayer and His Word before making any decisions to move forward and make sure this is His will instead of your own.

2.      Your vendors

-Both faith-based and non faith-based

-Local organizations, as well as national programs

-Non profits and businesses alike

-Variety in whom they serve (Early childhood, divorced persons, men/women, teens, financial, legal, etc… Try to cover all bases, if possible)

-Low registration fee (I keep mine at $25/table)

3.      Your guests

-Make them feel welcomed! Single parents are often so overwhelmed that small things like greetings, free food, prayer, and just overall love will be something they so desperately need and absorb.

-No admission fee. This is your call, but personally, I don’t think a struggling single mom or dad is interested in anything that is going to cost them valuable monetary resources. My goal with the Grand Rapids SPE is to NEVER have to charge our guests a fee

-This day is about them. Paul reminds us in 1Corinthians 13 that we can do all the works with all the bells and whistles, but if we don’t have love…we have gained nothing. Use your event as a way to present the Gospel and in its true form to your attendees

4.      Promotion

-Whatever you can do to get the word out is beneficial. I recommend as many free or low cost avenues as possible: social media, flyers, TV/newspaper article. I have even been as fortunate to find a resource (a Christian single father) who is one of the top dogs at our West Michigan Clear Channel radio stations! Tell me that’s not a God thing?! “He opens doors that only He can open…”

-Be enthusiastic! People will come if they know your true heart and passion behind it. When we have the Gospel sown so deep into our own hearts first, it will naturally spring forth for others to see.

5.      Cater to the kids

-Remember, this is NOT daycare. And for liability reasons, don’t try to make it. Have things like games, coloring, face painting, and even inflatables (if you can swing it) for the kids to do. This will allow your guests to walk freely around the room and talk with vendors without having Junior constantly pull at their clothes because he’s bored.

6.      Giveaways

-I mentioned we gave away some great door prizes this year; and have in the years past too. Single parents are all too often completely depleted when it comes to financial resources…as well as physical, mental, and emotional strength. A pampering package to a local spa for a struggling single mom or a free dinner for a single dad may mean more to them than we could ever possibly know.

-Registration Cards. These are great for collecting personal information such as emails and phone numbers to inform your guest of future events. Assure them that you will never give their information out and would never “spam” them.

7.      Post follow up

-A follow up survey to both your guests and your vendors will provide valuable information and suggestions of how you can continue to grow and expand your own Single Parenting Expo. Although the questions may vary a bit between the vendors and guest, the overall data collected will provide a good base to build off of.

8.      Keep God on the Throne

-Although a Single Parenting Expo may not always be a “religious” event, the motivation behind it should always be to reach the lost for God’s purposes and introduce them to Christ. Survey after survey has shown that some of the most immediate resources single parents believe they need are things like food, shelter, and clothes. While this is very true, let us never forget who is the One where all good things come from (James 1:17)

-The least of these (Read Matthew 25:35-40)

            While this is a general and abbreviated overview of what it takes to put together your own Single Parenting Expo in your city, I pray it has been a good start for you. Please know I am always open to talk further to anyone who is willing in exploring the vision of helping us to form SPE’s all over the nation and world. Feel free to contact me at any time if you would like to discuss this further or visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/grandrapidssingleparentexpo.

Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established. –Prov 16:3 (NASB)

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