Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Living the Dream

A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. –Prov 18:16 (NASB)

            In his video series Dream to Destiny, Pastor Robert Morris makes the statement that “Everyone has a God-given dream and everyone has a God-given destiny.” Pastor Morris goes on to explain that all too often most people spend so much time focusing on the dream that they never get around to living their destiny.
            Has God laid something specific on your heart that only you can accomplish? Perhaps it is to be an amazing parent, but one that follows His will and statutes for your family’s life. In order to do so, there may need to be some major changes or alterations in your current lifestyle. So what can you do about it- today? Or maybe God has called you to lead your company in a different direction, something that totally goes against the grain of society. This may require you to make some bold and perhaps illogical moves; but if it truly is from the Lord then He will see it come to pass. What about a call to ministry? That was the choice I was faced with last year- to quit my full time job and launch into the single dad ministry. Now here I am six months later. I have seen some amazing doors open and opportunities arise; but yet, I still feel as if I need to push deeper into where God is leading. I believe that for all of us, if He has given us a God-appointed destiny, the Lord will not just bring us right to the edge and say, “There you go. Good luck!” No, God will equip us with all of the right tools and resources to go from living the dream to living in our destiny. We need to have the faith, courage, and discernment to walk in it.
            The Bible says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Eph 2:10) Right there is evidence from God Himself that we ALL have a higher purpose in life than what many of us may currently be seeking. Going back to my original question, what has God laid on your heart to accomplish? My next question would be, “What’s holding you back?” Remember, He holds all of our circumstances in His hands- the good, the bad, and the ugly; but also know that for every challenge we may come across in life, God has also provided an answer in His Word to help us go “from dream to destiny”.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. –Rom 8:28 (NKJV)

Note: You can learn more about Robert Morris’ series Dream to Destiny at www.theblessedlife.com/series/dream-destiny.

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