Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Spiritual Workout- Part 2

Ok, so I just came up with this yesterday- but I feel it's worth sharing. I will keep you all posted as it unfolds...

The first thing to know is in weightlifting, there is a "protocol" you must follow.

1. You must have goals. If you don't, there's nothing to strive for!
2. You must develop a plan (Workout Routine); If you're not sure how to do this, that's what trainers are for. (i.e. Mentors)
3. Train! Remember, resistance=growth.
4. Nutrition. Your muscles can not grow if they're not fed properly with the right food, vitamins, and supplements

So what does a spiritual workout look like? I'll show you what I have for mine. Keep in mind, workouts are always subject to change, and everyone has different goals and abilities.

Goals: To grow stronger in Christ every day
To become more Christ-like every day
Memorize Scriptures
Be a spiritual leader- home, marketplace, church

Daily- Devotional, Prayer, Read the Word
Weekly- Memorize 3 verses, Attend church, Fellowship/Accountability with others
(I also put witness often combined in daily and weekly goals)
Monthly- Be active in ministry, Work with a Mentor

Train: Journal Experiences (i.e. A "workout log")
Experiences (exercise)/Outcome (Document what happened, how it was handled, and
what scriptures I can use to combat it next time)
Did I grow from it?

Food: Bible, Books, Prayer, Fellowship (friends, acct. partner, mentor), Journals

Like I said, this is just getting started- but I am very confident it is a basis for my (and yours) personal growth. Try it out. Make your own version up, and let me know what happens! "Beloved, I pray that is all respects you may prosper, and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." -3John2

In His Name,


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