Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How Far is Too Far?

“Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not do the things which I say?” -Luke 6:46 (NKJV)

I’m pretty sure that I am not going to be very popular with a lot of people after they read this blog, but I feel it needs to be discussed.  A few weeks ago I initiated the question to some friends, “Why is it that as Christians, when we do not follow the Bible in its entirety- we’re hypocrites; yet, if we follow it completely- we’re prudes?”  My main thought behind this was in regards to sexual purity, the stewarding of our bodies, and the way we handle it in our personal relationships.  What does that look like?  To tell you the truth, I cannot say.  That is between you and the Lord, but we must also understand that our bodies are not our own, and sin is sin.  If you read and study God’s Word, sin almost always leads to death (Prov 7:6-23; James 1:14-15), but His ways and statues lead to life (Psalm 119:9-11, 101, 105; Isaiah 55:9)  Now, please understand I do realize we are under no condemnation and that everyone falls- but this is never a reason to go on sinning willfully!  The point I am getting at is that we are constantly under the microscope by others who are just waiting for us to mess up so that they can pick out “flaws” in Christianity.  That is why we must continue to stay submitted to God and maintain a higher standard (Phil 3:16) and lead others towards the Cross.

My girlfriend and I recently ordered a couple copies of the book Hero: Becoming the Man She Desires by Fred and Jasen Stoeker.  We did this because we want to begin (and maintain) our relationship in absolute purity for the glory of God so that He will bless it.  Based on my previous experience, and to go along with Paul’s words, I put NO confidence in the flesh whatsoever! (Phil 3:3)  We can have the best intentions and be completely sold out to Christ, but let’s face it- when times get hot and heavy- we are definitely entering into dangerous waters!  The best protection anyone can possibly do is to put safeguards around circumstances and never let ourselves fall into that trap.  I heard Fred once talk about his son Jasen and how Jasen and his fiancĂ©e maintained absolute purity right up to the wedding altar: they never put themselves in compromising situations and never were alone where wrong choices could be made.  If this is the type of relationship you desire, seek God in helping you not only find the strength to withstand, but to put barriers up for your protection.  Remember, when there’s no boundaries placed around us, our so called “freedom” can actually lead to a prison of pain and hurt.  However, when we live and operate within God’s perfect Word and statutes, we find a level of love, trust, and peace that cannot be matched!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Get Soaked!

"Surely the righteous will give thanks to Your name; the upright will dwell in Your presence." -Psalm 140:13 (NASB)

One of the newest tools I have recently added to my walk is "soaking sessions".  A soaking session is basically just that- a time of worship, prayer, and basking in God's presence.  It is much more intimate than just going into your prayer closet, it is a time for both the natural and the supernatural and waiting on God to move.  Soaking can be done alone or with others in the room, but the main point is to remain focused on what God is speaking to you by staying keen to the Spirit. 

There are even Cd's available with very soft (often without words) music to create an atmosphere of worship.  An individual is welcome to pray both in their native and unknown language, to be still as long as they feel led, and to pray/petition with God to do the supernatural.  I personally choose to put on the soaking music and lie on the floor with a pillow (and sometimes a blanket).  I will start out by reading some Scripture (often from Psalms), release a prayer, and then lie on my back and just absorb all that is going on around me.  My main prayer every time I soak is to calm my heart and to make my mind still- to block out all that is going on in my life and allow God to take control.  It's even getting to the point that I fall asleep the majority of the time I soak, but I wouldn't say that's a bad thing.  I find that when I wake the next day, my demeanor is extremely calm, and I feel completely at peace. 

I would encourage you to begin to seek this out in your own life.  Do some research on it and grab a few Cd's.  Most of all, EXPECT an encounter with God each and every time you soak.  God inhabits the praise of His people and will draw near to us as we draw near to Him (James 4:8).  When we walk in obedience with our Lord, He is faithful to hear and answer our prayers.  Make the attempt to add a soaking session into your walk regularly, and wait on God to do the amazing in your life.